
Take it to the village.

This is what my friend Jai says. And she’s right.

Got a big decision to make? Take it to the village.

Praying over a thing for a kid? Take it to the village.

Finances got you stressed out? Take it to the village.

Raising little or big people twisting up your insides? Take it to the village.

Losing your mind over job stuff, or joblessness? Take it to the village.

Relationships? Health? Worry?

Take. It. To. The. Village.

Midlifers, you do know the village, yes?

The village is your people. The real ones. The people who tell you the truth, with grace. The friends who love your loved ones as their own. The Believers who pray for you and mean it.

The village is not the internet. The village is not church membership. The village is not abstract. And the village is not a substitute for God.

The village is an extension of God.

Read that again.

And know that the village is real. It is vulnerable. And it raises its hands in celebration for you and bows its head in grief when it weeps with you.

Friends, the village is a gift. And you get to be it.

You get to be the village for others, and you get to receive the gift of the village, too.

On this early spring weekend when the world somehow seems both fresh and brand new but also dark and menacing, and on this weekend when you seek rest but also refreshment, take it to the village.

Be honest.

And messy.

And strong.

And brave.

And faithful.

And safe.

And real.

Step into God’s gift, my friends.

Take it to the village.

